Computer & Mobile Forensics New Products Release Webinar
We are extremely pleased to present to you our newest products, DRS Preview of computer forensics and SPA of mobile forensics. We are sure you will find them extremely well. This webinar will introduce you all fascinating features of DRS Preview and SPA.
DRS Preview is the software version of Data Recovery System which grants you access to almost all fascinating features of DRS including multi-tasking, except firmware recovery, advanced imaging, and features related physical status of HDD.
SPA (SmartPhone Forensic Triage Acquisition) is easy to use mobile data acquisition and triage software for forensically sound on-scene collection. SPA allows Investigators acquire and triage the normal and deleted mobile data with only a few clicks when the time is ultimate priority. The mobile evidentiary data can be previewed on-scene easily and quickly. Besides, a forensic report can be generated during the whole process. SPA is used for first responders or non-technical users who need to preserve mobile evidence in the field.