✅ Waveform External Antenna – Arcadyan KVD21 T-Mobile 5G Home Internet – Speed Tested
I install and test Waveform’s MIMO 2×2 Panel External Antenna on the new gateway for T-Mobile 5G Home Internet, the Arcadyan KVD21 to see how much signal and speed improvement we can get. This kit has U.Fl connectors to SMA and then SMA to N-type for 30ft cable extension to the antenna itself. I show step by step instructions, key features of the hardware, what external antenna ports to use, how my speeds improved and more. I’ll be releasing a more in depth video of specifically the signal and speed changes during ALL of my testing, this is the start and end of testing. I may also be testing more antenna types (log periodic or grid periodic) in the future. Waveform provided the antenna kit for testing.
Cheetah 5G Router (use COUPON CODE NaterTater for $45 off): https://chestertechrepairs.com/products/wifi6-industrial-lte-5g-nr-wireless-modem-router-unlimited-hotspot-rv
Invisagig – https://chestertechrepairs.com/products/invisagig-os-qualcomm-sdx62-rm520n-gl-standalone-modem-nr5g-4g-lte
USE COUPON CODE for $20 OFF : natertater20off
Get 5% off Waveform antenna and signal booster products with this link: http://www.waveform.com/natertater or just use code “NATERTATER” at checkout. Then you can go to the Peplink BR1 5G Pro product page: https://www.waveform.com/products/peplink-max-br1-pro-5g?variant=39840236535911
Be sure to see my other Verizon and T-Mobile Home Internet Videos:
Verizon: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8d9FovK2dNSOcTz7L6sHiuWVQXwUT4my
T-mobile: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8d9FovK2dNQHp0KWk8gG8XXvaKzaoSB3
Peplink cellular devices: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8d9FovK2dNTZR2vUJWyd6kmmDD6ediym
Here’s some parts for external antennas:
Silicone self fusing weatherproof tape: https://amzn.to/3MRRpeX
Waveform dual LPDA “yagi” kit with cables/mount: https://amzn.to/3zVcKhR
U.FL to SMA adaptor cables: https://amzn.to/3dL2gHv
U.FL to N-type adaptor cables: https://amzn.to/3dK0G8I
Adapter Cable SMA Male to TS9 Female: https://amzn.to/3wVyzfj
11 dbi panel antenna: https://amzn.to/3dHawrP
Dual Yagi Antennae with mount: https://amzn.to/31UYx4w
Netgear indoor antenna (also need TS9 adapter): https://amzn.to/3wE66dR
Nater Tater Merch Store: https://natertater.myspreadshop.com/ Stickers start at $3 and t-shirts for under $15.
My Filming and other Gear: https://www.amazon.com/shop/natertater
The Nater Tater Channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/NaterTater) covers any topics related to my 47 acre property. Building things, driving things, smarthome, wifi, internet, outdoor activities etc. Follow me to see my many projects!
Subscribe here: https://tinyurl.com/y5ct8pkl
#waveform #5G #tmobile #tmobilehomeinternet #arcadyan #kvd21 #ruralinternet #fixedwireless #externalantenna #signalbooster