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    Beginner’s Guide to Python Backend Development for Mobile Products – Session 2

    Beginner’s Guide to Python Backend Development for Mobile Products – Session 2

    🖥 Presented by Women Who Code Python
    👩‍💻 Speaker: Ren Renaisa Wahed
    Hosted/Moderated by Hope Wilson
    ✨ Topic: Beginner’s Guide to Python Backend Development for Mobile Products Series – Session 2

    Join us for our Beginner’s Guide to Python Backend Development for Mobile Products series!

    For beginners and intermediate levels, we will cover all aspects of a mobile app development project, and build a mobile app together! Our sessions will go over essential knowledge for your developer toolkit, such as information architecture and workflow, data storytelling for end-users, setting up your developer environment tools, best practices and tips for design, accessibility, performance, security, debugging, and popular app stores and platforms.

    For the second session, we will cover a recap of the first session, choosing the right framework for your project, overview of the features and capabilities, understanding the structure and components of a mobile app, best practices for designing and implementing the architecture, overview of popular design patterns, and setting up the development environment & tools required to build a backend framework with Python.

    Mobile App Developers code applications for smartphones and other mobile devices. This includes creating mobile versions of web or computer-based applications, or generating applications designed specifically as mobile-exclusive software.

    About speaker:
    Ren (Renaisa) is a Analytics Engineer at Pfizer, with projects ranging from the full stack mobile development to data engineering. She loves reading tech and medical related nonfiction, 3d printing and cooking up dishes from her newsfeed.

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